Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

positive thinking

Diposting oleh .Enur pengen jadi relawan. di 11.31
‎"You must stay away from thinking badly of others; and whenever you see someone who thinks badly of others and looks for the faults then know that he is evil on the inside, and his evil is coming out through trying to find faults in others, and he only see others as evil because of the evil inside him. A true Mu'min (believer) tries to make excuses for people's faults (instead of judging them) whereas the Munafiq (hypocrite) looks for their faults, and the Mu'min doesn't hold any ill-feelings in his heart towards any of Allah's creation."
 Imam Al-Ghazali

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

arrtinya donk.. Saya nggak ngerti Bahasa Inggris nihh..

.Enur pengen jadi relawan. mengatakan...

hehehe,,masnya slalu aja merendah,,wong toeicnya sampeyan bagus...menurut saya intinya jangan berpikir negatif terhadapa orang lain dan jangan mencari kesalahan mereka coz hal tersebut dapat menjadikan seorang menjadi munafik...*kok saya jadi sok tau gini ya,,plakk ^^

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